
Do you like music? Pssh, that’s a silly question – it’s like asking if you like breathing! Are you *passionate* about music, especially live music experience? Do you like going to see your favourite bands live when they’re in town? Exploring the music scenes in your city? Would you like to channel that passion into something creative? Contribute to AsiaLive365!

We’re looking for fans and aspiring journalists based in Asia who want to write about music, live music in particular, and share their own experience. We’re particularly interested in funny, friendly, witty, honest and creative individuals with advanced grammar and writing skills who can offer our music-loving community their unique voice. Remember, you might just be the next Ralph J. Gleason in the making.

What we’re offering

  • The opportunity to go to concerts for free!
  • As a prim and proper contributor of AsiaLive365, you’ll get your own bio with links to your social media and a byline on each of your features
  • The opportunity to get published on an expanding international media platform with readers from all over Asia
  • Official shoutouts when your pieces are published on our social media platforms
  • The opportunity to join in on our interview sessions with artists, shoots and events organised by our sister company and Asia’s trusted promoter, LOL International
  • Potential for paid opportunities down the road

Email us via the Contact form with ideas you have for specific articles (Who’s playing in your city? Would you want to write a review of their show?) and a description of who you are and what kind of writing you do. If you already have a draft of a story you think might be right for AsiaLive365, send it in! We’d love to read it to see if it might be a good fit. If you have writing samples, send them along.

Be sure to add in the message: “Contributor Program – [Your name and country]”. We look forward to hearing from you!

With love,

The Asia Live 365 Team