An up and coming DJ and musicmaker DNMO has given AsiaLive365 small catchup about his growth, himself, and his future and all upcoming works that we can expect to witness them soon.

DNMO aka Aiden Morgan is a music maker/DJ who has risen to the surface of electronic music scene with his fresh and young energy in the sounds he produced. After marking his first recognition in the scene in the USA in 2018 at Red Rocks Amphitheater where he supported Zeds Head, DNMO started his international musical journey attending festivals and throwing his own performances.

(Listen to DNMO’s latest track featuring Sub Urban “Sick of You” below)

His original track like ‘Sakura’ with KRANE caught him in fame. His success continued with his work with Zeds Dead called “We Could Be Kings”. No longer after that, his name caught the attention of the likes of The Chainsmokers, Jauz, Rezz, NGHTMRE, Ookay and Alison Wonderland. Also, he was introduced at Billboard and Soundcloud last year as an artist to watch.

Wanna get to know him better? Here you go!

How was 2018 for you musically and personally?

2018 for me was all about growth, both as a musician and a person. I’ve been continuously stepping outside of my comfort zone and raising the bar for myself in terms of goals/challenges. I’ve also been developing my live shows – I’m now very confident in myself putting on a great show.

©DNMO official FB page

What can we expect from you in 2019 and beyond?

Lots of shows, videos, and music. I’m working with a lot of people that the 10-year-old me would never have believed, which is crazy right now. Something I’m also becoming more aware of is not holding on to a record for too long in fear of it not being ‘good enough’ to my standards.

Besides the forthcoming EP, are you working on any new material or project at the moment?

Yes! I’ve been hibernating in the studio cooking up a lot of fresh and exciting music. Recently, I’ve been leaning towards a sound where pop meets indie-electronic fusion. After a few tours under my belt, now I’m looking to create feel-good, catchy pop records that still go off live and have that ‘Wow!’ factor.

(Listen to DNMO’s music below)

Is there a particular country or city that you dream of performing in?

There is way too many to say. I’m hoping to explore the Asia and Australia/New Zealand markets this year. I hear nothing but amazing things from my friends that have toured there before. Europe is somewhere I want to explore more too and connect with fans, which is definitely on the cards this year.

Have you had any unusual experiences in a backstage or witnessed any unique situations?

I don’t have any wild backstage stories as I usually have to leave the venue after my set (LOL). Although this one time I think in Boise, I was checking into a hotel room to shower and as I was chilling in the lobby this dude approached me and kept trying to get me to go to his car and help him was something, but he couldn’t tell me what he needed help with. I was like “I’m kinda busy man sorry”, and as I went to walk to the elevator to go to my room he started following me saying he kidnapped his ex-girlfriend and she’s in the truck. At that point I was like “Ok see ya mate”, dipped back to the bus and called the cops. It turned out he made the whole thing up and was well known in the area for this kind of thing.

©DNMO official FB page

What’s your favorite thing to do outside of music?

I absolutely LOVE cooking. When I’m not on the road my day consists of working on music and cheffing up. Pesto pasta or lasagna is usually my go-to meals.

If you could go back to back with any other DJ, who would it be?

That’s tough since there are so many insanely talented DJs out there. I think Skrillex or Andy C would be nuts, and they have some of the most creative mixing I’ve ever seen.

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