English Indie Pop singer-songwriter Will Joseph Cook recently released his second album Something To Feel Good About. The sophomore album which came as a follow-up to his debut album Sweet Dreamer, is also one that is underpinned by pure optimism.

Written at a time where the young 23-year old music artist was experiencing much, the album also plays into the emotions he felt as a now more mature young adult. 

Of course, as with life and the trials and tribulations of it, there will always be the dark moments. 

But also like optimism, the light in this album shines through…

This is what the album does…

Also read: Will Joseph Cook releases his second album ‘Something To Feel Good About’

We listened to ‘Something To Feel Good About’ and found some good hooks, good vibes and just an all-round feel-good colour to it!

Be Around Me

Perhaps one of those songs that you can just dance wildly to – flappy hands and al!  The indie vibes in this song are real and it is just the right feel-good fun song that you wanna hear to wind down to. With fun lyrics that depict the blossoming “I miss you” kind of love between two young lovers (well, I would think they are young with the use of TLDR in the lyrics), it is no surprise that this song went viral on Tik Tok.

Something To Feel Good About

There is clearly something to feel good about with the waves of colours and layered vocals in this fun piece. I quite like the optimism in this bright track, and Will’s vocals are pretty lit too!


This feels like another dance-y piece that you can really see folks jigging out too. Even from the stage, you can probably see all the dancing – glowing faces against the stage lights and everything!

She Likes Me

Cool blue and R&B pop vibes accentuates this piece, almost folding in layer by layer as you would fold a cake mixture.


This is probably my favourite piece of the entire album. The chill and eclectic vibes in this song feel so nostalgic and incandescent to the heart. In fact, a part of me almost feels as if I’m listening to an English band from the 70s or 80s, in a secret or undisclosed music venue. Camden perhaps, or Shoreditch. Even the start of the song feels so familiar…with an instrumental intro that instantly warms your heart and pulls you in. I am getting a “Pride and Prejudice I am bewitched by you” moment here… The lyrics itself are slightly mature as well, talking about a love that feels like forever… “I only wanted you to die in my arms, is that too much to ask for? Stay on my shoulder, I don’t think I could ever watch you walk out the door…. Is that too much to ask for?

Driverless Cars

Another chill and wind down the window number! Something to listen to in your driverless car perhaps.


Chill vibes and an everglow of a dusky ambience seem to envelope this piece. A silhouette of something that I could meld my emotions in. Almost like having a smoke machine backstage, and before you know it, the floor is all smoky and atmospheric. You can imagine swaying to this after a long week (yes week!) at work, or an emotionally draining one. The part pop-ish, part chill and R&B vibes, part indie electronic colours seem to sway and meld its way into the ears, while the opening vocals bring to mind that of Chris Martin from Coldplay. It’s a perfect piece to wind DOWNDOWNDOWN to… A second fave!


Texturally, lyrically and vocally strong, the song also evokes equally strong and mature sentiments. There is poignancy in the honesty of the song that will almost stop you in your tracks. “I don’t know anyone who’s 21 and knows how to feel…” A really formidable piece that shows much promise to this young artist, who dares to bare his soul.

Only If You

The shortest track in the album at merely a minute long. Despite its length, it is still an emotive and strong one!

Boundary Street

An irresistible indie pop bop shines its light in this piece sweeping you off your feet like the feel of undulating waves. It is uneven and yet it is smooth. It is chill without being too relaxed. It is emotionally charged, without being too much.

Where Is My Heart?

Another indie vibe that’s such a mood… I love the little piano/keyboard arrangement that reminds me a tad of Owl City.

Last Year

Rounding up the album, like he’s rounding up the year – and yes, what a year we’ve all had. The instrumental layers in this piece are pretty lit and so is the chorus. Yet the poignancy in the song “shines through” as well. It is a brutally honest piece that smothers at the heart. The song ends on an optimistic note, concluding the album’s overall state.

Listen to the new album below and let us know what you think!

Cover photo: Liam Evans