Wilbros Present: The Pussycat Dolls to bring their 2000s sound to the Philippines.

Worldwide success American girl band founded in Los Angeles, The Pussycat Dolls will be making their way to Mall Of Asia, Manila in the Philippines on May 9th, 2020.
In 2005, The Pussycat Dolls released their debut album PCD with singles like β€œDon’t Cha”, β€œStickwitu”, and β€œButtons”. Three years after their commercial success, the girl gang released Domination in 2008, which contains big hits like β€œWhen I Grow Up”, β€œI Hate This Part” and β€œJai Ho!” (You Are My Destiny)
“The stars have aligned and the Dolls are getting back together,” says singer Nicole Scherzinger
The former X Factor Judge, Scherzinger also said fans can expect a lot of new music and surprises for the show.
The girl band recently released a reunite single together. Check out their latest single below.

Tickets will go on sale starting February 29 at 10 am onΒ SMTicketsΒ or call +632 84702222.