We reviewed morgxn’s latest EP MERIDIAN: vol 1 and here’s what we thought of it.

Unveiled last week, the new EP is the first of a two-part EP along with the focus single ‘Losing Myself’. 

Coming from a particularly tumultuous time in March 2020, MERIDIAN: vol 1 is shaped by a 24 hour period where morgxn experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Within one day the world went into lockdown, and morgxn was dropped by their record label of five years, leaving them devastated.

Said morgxn,

“Music is the only way I know how to reach people, and the label was the only way I’d know how to make that happen.”


This piece is accentuated with vibes that wants you to just move along with it. Almost like a Madonna hit. Yet beneath it lies lyrics so honest, so painful, it breaks you down until you just “lose yourself” in the song. It’s a great hit that is also a reminder of the fragility of a human soul.


Probably my second favourite song in the EP, this song feels almost like an anthemic cry for something. Something that was lost. Something that was never found. It’s like that feeling you get when you’re listening to this while watching the pouring rain, wondering what happened all this time, wishing you could go back to when you were whole again… Or sometimes you just wanna dance in that rain…


A more pop-infused pop-rock track, this song feels like the process of “reinvention” and getting back up. With percussion and an addictive drum rhythm that draws you in as much as the strength of its meaning, the frame of mind that encapsulates this song is one that we’re all too familiar with. It is also my favourite song in the EP because I am currently at this very moment…


My first thought when I heard this was – “Oh my! It’s an Uprising! The intro certainly reminds me of Muse’s ‘Uprising’… Bold, with a more angsty rock-feel, drums-filled vibe to the track, this song is something to head-bang to and let go “without the need to explain yourself”. Vocally, this song is a winner too – showing the prowess of morgxn’s vocals with its high-pitched rocker-feel vibes and all!


You know that feeling when you’re curled up in bed not wanting to get up, or get out… Or that feeling when you wanna scream into the empty space of silent… of silent faces, of strangers… Emotionally this song sounds like a lost relationship, but then again the “lost” can be anything… Vocally-spirited and texturally-enveloping, the song will wrap you in its colours as you feel your heart ache…

A colourful stunner is what I would call MERIDIAN: vol 1.

Albeit only having five songs in his EP, this one is certainly an EP to listen to. Apart from having different genres in each piece, from pop to rock to pop-rock, to a powerful piece like ‘HOW DO YOU HOLD WHAT HURTS’ that doesn’t just tug at the heartstrings but rips at it, this EP is also a journey of emotions. It is an amalgamation of the highs and the lows. Of strength and fragility. Of happiness and pain.

If this is what volume 1 is like… I am definitely looking forward to volume 2…

Listen to his new EP below.

Cover photo: Emma Mead