As a British-Norwegian producer/DJ Alan Walker swing by Asia for Ultra Taiwan on Saturday-Sunday, September 8-9, he also took some time off to chat with us on the story behind his latest hit single “Sheep”, his favourite tune from Hans Zimmer, his future plans, depression and more.

Alan Walker Ultra Taiwan 2018


As debuting in Taiwan, Ultra Taiwan billed worldly-recognised names to make sure that all party people would strut their stuff out. Among the top-notch acts is this record producer/DJ from Britain— Alan Walker.

In this 2-day packed party, Alan Walker appeared in front of us with a smile and casual gestures as we then ended up in a quick yet meaningful catchup. Here, the producer of the new Asia’s favourite hit “Sheep” discussed with us from his works and Hans Zimmer to an advice on depression.

1. Your latest track ‘ Sheep’ with LAY is currently out. Can you tell us a little more about the story behind this concept with LAY and where you first came up with the idea for the track?

It all began when we met up in Beijing for a studio session. My first impression of Lay was that he’s super passionate person. He’s super humble and very dedicated to what he’s doing. And being able to make that song, “Sheep”, with him is such an honour for me as it turns out that the song is quite big in Asia. Being able to put my sound in that song is very cool and we managed to do it so well as well. And how it all came about was just because of that one meeting we had and we discussed our ideas and possibilities for the future as well. (Listen to Alan Walker’s “Sheep”, below)


2. Talking about “Liquid State” the new electronic label by Sony and Tencent Music. What is your main role in the label and who are you collaborating with next?

Well, so far for the Liquid State label, I had the chance to collaborate with, for example, Lay from Korea. And for the reason why I go with the Liquid State is that I want to be able to kinda like go across the music market’s border where the European music market can experience more music from the Asian market. Therefore, more talents from Asia can get exposed more in Europe. So we can kinda spread our music more widely. And instead of resending ourselves to the certain market, we can reach out to all the markets globally.

3. Which Asian singer are you looking to collaborate with next?

Oh! I can’t say anything about that right now.

4. How does it feel to have a presence and be an influencer in the scene right now?

Well, it feels amazing. I started off from being in my bedroom, at home making music for fun. And then, now, I’ve got the opportunity to end up here, in Taiwan. It’s something that I’ve never really expected. And I’m feeling thankful for Asia and Taiwan to support my music so far.

Ultra Taiwan 2018

©Ultra Taiwan

5. Having travelled around the world for shows, is there any particular place that you love playing the most?

Honestly, I don’t really know. I feel like every place I’ve been is all fantastic. Like the people, the culture, the places, the cities, the countries, they are all beautiful. And I feel like I’m welcomed by everyone with open arms. It’s really cool to be here (Taiwan) as well.

6. What have you been listening to lately? Any favourite tune?

Well, my favourite song is Hans Zimmer’s “Time” (a soundtrack from Christopher Nolan’s film Inception). Also, I listen to a lot of music soundtrack when I have some time off— just to relax and try to connect and come up with new ideas for songs and everything. Nothing is better than listening to something that’s not electronic. And it also inspires me and tries to help me to cut my mind off from the things that I’ve never figured out what’s going on.

(Listen to Hans Zimmer’s Time, below)

7. Is there anything you can exclusively reveal to us?

I’ve got new song coming out later this month and I’ve got an album coming up later this year and a bunch of collaborations and more touring. That’s it.

8. How do you want people to come to know more about your sounds?

My plans for the future is to evolve more sounds of Alan Walker, make more people be introduced to my songs, my sounds and my way of making music. I reckon that it may help build my fanbase to be the larger one. And I think I’ll continue all the on-going and see where it’ll take me.

Alan Walker interview

©Alan Walker

9. Hardwell just announced that he’ll stop touring for awhile. Do you have any advice on taking care or handling or notice the depression for music producers, DJs, and artists?

I think what a lot of people do is that they overlook themselves. And many people also get lured by the big amount of money flowing in the industry but that’s what in the game. However, I believe that it’s always important to think about and listen to your body for what it’s telling you. If you feel like your body is telling you that you need to stay down, go down or step down then it’s better to start with taking one step back and then, later on, take three steps forward and return with more energy. And for further advice, I’d say, to never ever overwork yourself and restrain yourself. Know your capacity, your vulnerability and your limitations.

Stay connected with Alan Walker on Youtube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
Special thanks to Ultra Taiwan.