We interview Valentina Ploy as she breaks down walls between herself and listeners in her new single, ‘Berlin’, her second single with Warner Music Asia.

Coming back with yet another upbeat tune, Valentina Ploy has a way with radiating
her sunshine personality even when singing to a lyrically sad song.

When it comes to relationships, people tend to build walls as a coping mechanism. In her new single, ‘Berlin’, she expresses the frustration of being with someone who puts up walls
as high as The Berlin Wall.

Co-written with Richard Craker, the upbeat pop tune takes listeners on a relatable journey in trying to break down and cross these walls
built up by the person that they love.’

The single features a music video starring Valentina Ploy, in all her quirkyness, and actor Benjamin Joseph Varney as they perform a dance routine.

Valentina’s new single is part of her upcoming album via Warner Music Asia, who she recently signed with, so expect more content throughout this year!

AsiaLive365: Hi Valentina! How are you this year?

Valentina Ploy: Hi! It’s okay, there’s been ups and downs but very good musically. I’m happy releasing new music, planning a lot of things. Definitely a rollercoaster. An exciting year of change!

AL365: Tell us more about your latest single ‘Berlin’! I listened to a snippet of it through your YouTube channel and, it seems, you’re making comparisons to the Berlin Wall?

Valentina: Yes I am! (laughs) I like the concept of breaking down walls and barriers. You know the emotional walls that are created in a relationship when we have feelings and insecurities. We tend to close each other, and build all these walls.

That’s why I sing, “Break ’em down for me, down for me,  down for me”.

AL365: How long was that song in development?

Valentina: I actually wrote this song last year, and it was written in one day! I was in Thailand at the time, so this one is pretty old. Music takes time to come up, and the fact that I write so many songs, it makes it hard for me to decide which one to release.

AL365: How’s your songwriting process?

Valentina: It always starts with me sitting down with my feelings and guitar along with notes on my phone. There’s a line in this song that goes like, “I wanna make you part of my history, let go of the misery of pretending to be happier alone”. That was like the first thing that I wrote about the song, and I was like “Ah, brilliant!”

Then I started writing the whole thing because it comes from my real experiences in being in a relationship. One moment you’re happy, and then you’re gonna break up, and then you’re happy again. It came very naturally, humming the melody while playing the guitar.

I remember I also had another song that I wrote, where it went like “Break it down for me, down for me, down for me” that I really liked. So I used that for ‘Berlin’. So the process would usually have me go through my lyrics, then write the song out with my guitar, and then go to the producer and say, “Hello! I have this song, can you produce it for me?” And the producer would make the final arrangements and production.

AL365: There’s an interest part in the song where you sing “Ah Maronna mia?”

Valentina: Yes! That’s a very specific thing that I’ve done. I’m half-Italian, right? And my dad is from Napoli where they have their own dialect. And “Maronna mia” means “Oh Mother of Jesus” or “Oh my God!”

I just wanted to put something that was really, really me. And it’s something that I say in that relationship when I’m like, “Oh why are we like this, on and off, up and down.” I just thought it would be very authentic to put that in the song.

AL365: How do you feel about the song now that it’s out?

Valentina: Very excited. A lil nervous because that’s what happens when you’re putting new music out. But very happy, for sure, to share this new song. It’s also a new sound to my music, so I’m curious to see how listeners would react to it.

AL365: It’s your second single for this year, correct?

Valentina: Yes, it’s the second single of this new album that’s coming next year.

AL365: It follows your last single, ‘Bla Bli Blu’, and what I’ve noticed is that you’ve been putting out promo clips on your YouTube channel. Can we expect the same for ‘Berlin’?

Valentina: For sure! It will be quite different though, considering the vibe of this song. There will be a dance, because I like dancing even though dancing doesn’t like me. There’s the music video, and some behind the scenes content!

AL365: How many more songs can we expect this year?

Valentina: There will be five songs before the end of this year. Two of them are collaborations.

AL365: Ooh, could you tell us who you are collaborating with?

Valentina: I cannot~! (Laughs) One isn’t Thai, but from the US. The other is Thai but sings only in English, so an international artist.

AL365: Tell us more about yourself for new fans who’ve just discovered your music.

Valentina: Hi everyone! I’m Valentina Ploy. I’m half-Thai, half-Italian. I was born and raised in Italy. I moved to Thailand for about three-and-a-half years ago. I started my music career here, making music, writing songs in the toilet, mostly.

AL365: How would you describe your music?

Valentina: I think my music is honest, vulnerable, and hopeful. I think most of my songs aren’t sad, even though I talk about relationships ending, there is always a hint of hopefulness and positivity.

AL365: Any highlights in 2022?

Valentina Ploy: Signing with Warner Music Asia! At first I was working with What the Duck in Thailand then I teamed up with this label which was very exciting. In general, they gave me a new way in working, releasing ‘Bla Bli Blu’ that’s totally new in how my music used to be, like a new chapter. For sure, that’s the highlight of the year.

AL365: I love how we’re getting international Thai artists. Your song, ‘Drunk Sleeping in Taxis’, from last year perfectly captured what’s it like during a night out in Thailand.

Valentina: I think everybody had a moment of drunk sleeping in taxis, don’t they? Like how you’re feeling like “Will the people I love still love me when they see me at my worst condition?” And Bangkok IS a crazy city!

AL365: What else can fans expect from you? Will Thailand see you perform live anytime soon?

Valentina: Oh I hope so! We’re trying to plan. Hopefully, the country will open up, and make it easier to travel around Asia. Right now, I’m able to travel around Europe, but in Asia I haven’t been tried yet, I’m not sure how easy it is. But I would love to do that!

AL365: OK Valentina, thank you so much for taking the time to talk about your music!

Valetina: Khob khun ka. Thank you so much!

Listen to Valentina Ploy via Spotify below.