Talented musicmaker Yung Bae told us about his next mixtape, who are his music inspiration and what he does actually listen to and many more on the day that we, AsiaLive365, met him at Kolour In The Park
As the self-made music producer Yung Bae visited Thailand for his headlining act at Bangkok’s famous music festival for all the underground electronic music heads namely Kolour In The Park, AsiaLive365 got a chance to catch up with this talented musicmaker. Here, he reveals to us of what plan he has in mind for his new mixtape, what he’s been listening to lately, his wisdom for the music producers in the making and many more. Read below.
How have you been doing?
I’ve been good. I’ve just have been doing a lot of touring more than I used to. But there’s been a lot of fun. And I’m finishing my new mixtape that’ll be out in Spring.
You’ve been to Thailand last year for another music event as well and now you are here again playing at Kolour In The Park. How are you feeling about coming back here and joining the festival? And is there any difference from your last visit?
For of all, I’m like feeling super blessed. They picked me to come out here and play this. Kolour In The Park is my first festival in Asia so this is a kinda different vibe for me. I think this is the second festival that I’ve ever played to.
Ah…I think I did my first festival at Snow Glow and some places else but not as a headliner like this.
Is there anything you would love to try out in Thailand but you still haven’t?
Honestly, I’d like to try as much as I can. I haven’t had a lot of Thai food. So, like, I’m pretty want to.
Commonly, artists will tell us how much they love street food here. Have you got the chance to try out? Any standout dish?
Well, not yet! I’m not super familiar with Thai food. But everybody said to start with the street food.
When will we get to hear new stuff from you? What’s your plan like for 2019?
So we don’t have a specific release date yet for my new mixtape. But it’s coming out late Spring. Like right before Summer. So maybe we’re gonna have one single out before that.

©Kolour In The Park
Any place else in Asia that you would love to visit?
I’d love to visit Japan again. When I was there last time, it was just about 12 or 13 hours so I didn’t really get to see the whole city. And yeah! Vietnam as well. It’s one of the places that we went on tour but never really got to explore. So it’d be really cool if we can revisit it though
What/Who is your musical inspiration?
Right now, I’d say Bill Champlin, a lot of Breakbot, Neon Indian, Steely Dan kinda stuff.
What are on your playlist at the moment?
Those are on my playlist at the moment. It’s actually like old disco stuff mixed with some 21st-century savage. It’s just kinda all over the place.
Who are your top five artists right now?
There’re Clairo, Boy Pablo. Hmm…Steely Dan. He’s always on my rotation. I’ve been listening to a lot of Summer Donna lately. And Galimatias. He’s one of my favourite.
Any advice for self-taught music producers in the making?
I don’t really have anything specific. I just tell people to make something fun. Make it unique. Make it the way you want, the way you are. Don’t chase trends. Just go with what you wanna be.
Any message for your fans in Southeast Asia?
So much love for Bangkok. So much love for everybody in Asia. Can’t wait to see you all on tour this year and next. Thank you so much.