Stavroz combines a mix of acoustic instruments and synthesizers, which has made their music unique in the electronic dance world.

Two ambitious sound engineers, IJsbrand & Gert started Stavroz in 2011. They were later joined by Maxim & Pieter to become the 4-piece DJ set that we know today. They reached number one on the Hype Machine for their first EP release ‘The Ginning’ and they were chosen as vinyl of the month for the German ‘Faze Magazine’. Stavroz has been on quite a journey, and I was lucky enough to get a peek inside the excitement.
We had a quiet moment to ask a few questions with Stavroz before they performed on the PIPPA rooftop for Mirasol.

AL365: After rising to number one position on the Hype Machine – has the way you approach music changed since?

Stavroz: We are trying to do what we like and what we think will work. If we make music that works for us, then we find that it works for many people. We feel safe to continue the way we are doing.

AL365: How does Stavroz find the right balance shifting between instruments and synthesizers?

Stavroz: We aren’t trying to find a balance. There can be an entire song that is solely acoustic instruments and a song that is entirely synthesizers. It is the notes that are played that are important to us, and not the source. It doesn’t matter if it’s a synthesizer, a guitar or a voice. We all come from different backgrounds. Some of us are from a more rock background, and some from a more electronic background. This blends our music because of our individual tastes.

AL365: Can you tell me about your experience working with Cercle at Fort Saint Eynard?

Stavroz: It was actually super last minute. They called us 3 days before to ask if we were up for playing in Switzerland, the location for Cercle. They called us and we decided 2 days later to rent a van with the gear. It was a perfect setting, super cold, but nice to play for nature. We played for the birds, there was even a donkey. If you look closely at the video, you can see it. It’s like an Easter Egg in the video.
See also: Mirasol with Stavroz and KMLN at Pippa was an extraordinary event.

AL365: Do you usually pick up instruments from the places you visit and if so, what is the most unique one?

Stavroz: Yes, it can be anything really. It doesn’t have to even be an instrument. We can sample an easy sound, like one time in Mexico, there was this shaman playing a shell and we recorded it, sampled it. We like to take samples as we travel, and maybe whilst in Bangkok we will find some Thai music that inspires us.

AL365: Where would your ideal festival be to perform?

Stavroz: Maybe Glastonbury… but we appreciate every single show, whether it be a packed out one or a small bar for 10 people. We have never wanted too much and we don’t have any expectations. Originally, we thought that no-one would want to book us because we are four. For promoters, it is so much easier to book one flight for one DJ, rather than four flights for four DJs. Our ultimate goal would be to make a good album, but otherwise, it is to keep having fun on the road. We enjoy the live crowds and bringing our music to a non-electronic music crowd or vice-versa. Our parents love Stavroz and they don’t have an interest in electronic music. We are like a gateway band that introduces people to the music. So, we love that we can do that.

AL365: That is all of the questions, thanks for taking the time to talk with us.

Special Thanks to PR QC COMMUNICATIONS and PIPPA Restaurant for making this interview happen.