The online website app, which has gone viral this past week on social media, lets Spotify users compare their music taste with their friends.

We are all more than likely have been streaming music and watching livestreams of our favourite artists and bands on social media at home as the coronavirus keeps us under lockdown.

Adding to the list of things to keep yourself thoroughly entertained during quarantine, a new online app has given Spotify users to compare their music taste with friends.

The online app,, takes your Spotify data (your favourite artists, songs and genres) and gives you a personal URL for you to share with friends to see how compatible your tastes are with each other.

Once your buddy clicks on your personalized link, it will list the artists and songs you both have in common along with an overall compatibility score. The website is also able to generate a playlist that lists all the artists and songs you have in common.

The website also gives insight into your music taste such as listing what tracks have kept you company during the COVID-19 pandemic, how your fave tracks stack up against each other by basing it off of the mood, and even how obscure your music is compared to other users.

The online app was created by computer science and marketing student Kalana Vithana, who decided to create the project this year in order to find a more intuitive way to answer the age-old question – “So what kind of music do you listen to?”

As one can read on the website’s About page, the algorithm analyses all your top tracks played on Spotify (whether in the short or long term) for the genres each of your top artists fall into. While many of the artists fall under more than one genre, the website takes more preference in specific, niche genres than broad ones.

As of right now, the website has calculated over 445,000 matches for over 310,000 users in 76 different countries.

You can try it out for yourself and see how compatible you are with others here: