When your band is made up of a Jonas Brother, a Coachella style icon of a bassist, a South Korean teenager who braved LA to be a guitarist, and a drummer with the most badass real last name (Jack Lawless), you’re bound to capture people’s attention.

But that’s only a minor part of DNCE’s appeal. It’s their much-needed fresh and frisky sound that shot 2015’s “Cake By The Ocean” to number one in multiple countries. Since the breakthrough single they’ve released an EP, a platinum debut album, featuring followup hits such as “Body Moves” and “Kissing Strangers”, and gone on a world tour, one that brought them to our shores for the first time this month.

We met up with pop music’s quirkiest bunch in Bangkok to talk #goals, recent collaboration with Luis Fonsi and alter-egos, animate and otherwise. Before you leave don’t forget to check out our review of their show on August 10 here.


It was Joe’s breakout album Jonas Brothers’ 10th anniversary a few days ago. Ten years from now when your self-titled DNCE turns 10, where do you think you’ll be?

Joe: I think we’re probably going to be here, living in Bangkok hanging out, playing more concerts and hopefully releasing 50 albums by then.

How has your first Asia tour been?

Joe: The tour has been amazing. We’ve been able to go all over. It feels like just the beginning. We can’t wait to come back already.


JinJoo, for this tour you get to go back to South Korea and perform in your hometown. How does it feel?

JinJoo: We cannot wait to go to Korea. It’s amazing to play where I was born and grew up.

Are you working on a new album right now? What can we expect next from DNCE?

Cole: We’re excited about the new music we’re writing. Releasing “Kissing Strangers” is like us getting past our last album into the future. We’re collecting ideas and we can’t wait to release new music for all of our fans.

Speaking of “Kissing Strangers”, you recently released a Spanish remix version of the song with Luis Fonsi. Can you talk a bit about the collaboration?

Joe: It actually happened organically. They sent the song back to us with the remix on it and we really loved his voice and the idea of the collaboration. We’re just thrilled with the reaction. We released it only a few days ago and people really seem to like.

How do you translate your experience with relationships and love into your music? Being a celebrity on top of a musician, is there a need to hold back?

Joe: For us, releasing any song is kind of a reflection of our personal lives and the stories we’d like to tell. We usually keep personal stuff quiet but when it comes to music, you’re kind of an open book, a journal that you can express to the world.

What would you say is DNCE’s biggest ambition?

Cole: The biggest ambition for us is to be around for ever and be the biggest band in the world. That’s what we feel like when we’re on stage and that’s what we feel like in our hearts. We don’t want to stop. We’re gonna be around for a long time.

Cole, judging from your outfit today, and any other day for that matter, can we say that you’re a bit into fashion?

Cole: Thanks for noticing! I love fashion. We all do. We want to feel like the best version of ourselves and inspire other people to dress however they want.


JinJoo once mentioned that she’s inspired by Sailor Moon. What about the guys? If you were a superhero, who would you be?

Cole: We’d be the X-Men. I’m probably Wolverine. Joe’s probably Superman and Jack would be The Dude from The Big Lebowski.

And since your hit is called “Cake By The Ocean”, if each of you were a cake or a dessert, which one would you be?

Cole: I would be all of your birthday cake!

Joe: I’d probably be a red velvet cake, because it’s smooth and there’s cream cheese involved. I’m from New Jersey and there was a lot of cream cheese when we grew up there. Plus, it’s delicious.

JinJoo: Mine is probably cotton candy cake.

Cole: Cotton cake is enough (laugh).

Jack: I would be a chocolate cake for sure.

What is the sexiest thing about DNCE?

JinJoo: You don’t see?

Cole: You’re looking at it!

Joe: We’ll go with our music. Our music can be very sexy and as much as it’s fun and wild, I think it’s the music that you can listen to in the bedroom (wink).


Many Asian fans look up to JinJoo, especially musicians who want to make it in the industry. What advice would you give them?

JinJoo: It was hard. I’m not gonna lie, it was hard at first but I didn’t stop. This sounds cheesy but don’t give up. Whoever pursues their dreams will achieve them. Keep on going!

Any message to the fans?

Joe: Yes! We love you so much. Thank you for all the support. Thank you for listening to our music and we can’t wait to release more so we can come back. We’re already planning the next trip so it won’t be too long. Love you guys!

Special thanks to Universal Music Thailand.